Our RDAEF2 Program

The Next Generation of Licensure – RDAEF2

The FADE Institute is pleased to offer Registered Dental Assistants the opportunity to advance into the next generation of licensure – the RDAEF2.

Our RDAEF2 program meets the Dental Board of California’s requirements for RDAs and existing RDAEFs who wish to expand their scope of practice and perform the latest extended functions, truly becoming the provider every dental team can benefit from utilizing.

Our program offers RDAs and original RDAEF’s (those licensed before to 1/1/2010), commonly referred to as RDAEF1’s, an affordable opportunity to complete the educational requirements of a Board-regulated program to qualify for licensure to perform advanced, mid-level provider functions. 

To know exactly what the current legally allowable duties of an original EF versus an EF2, download Handout: Duties of an RDAEF (download PDF) for accurate up-to-date information.

Our Unique Post-Pandemic Approach to Program Enrollment

Since our beginning in 2016, we have worked continually toward providing the most unique and enriching curriculum possible while still meeting the educational regulations for all Board-approved programs.

During the next 18 months of COVID-related delays, we used the time to change our enrollment processes focusing, first and foremost, on how to service the students needs in a safe, healthy environment while practicing social distancing in labs, classrooms and lecture rooms, and expansion of our clinical lab hours to ensure ratios were well below the regulated limits. 

The outcome of our work created new and unique features of our program, including:

→  Smaller class size: other programs will accept 30 to 40 students per cohort and enroll once per year; our philosophy has always differed from our colleagues by accepting smaller groups.  Our NEW approach: rolling enrollment!  This new approach allows a student to begin their journey at any time after application acceptance, starting with hybrid didactic instruction up to a certain point, and then joining the next scheduled cohort with day one of lab. The response has been overwhelming and the students feel they have more flexibility in their decision to go back to school knowing they can start at any time.

→  Theory-focused learning: one of the chief concerns expressed to us by prospective students relates to the theoretical aspects of the program.  The FADE Institute was forced to incorporate hybrid learning into many of our programs in response to COVID-19 and the CDPH mandated protocols for universities and institutions.  Fortunately, we have blended our learning management system lectures with our labs and simulated labs to allow us to drip theoretical content with each student working at the own pace, allowing for a deeper learning experience for the students of all our programs and courses; this could be a huge contributing factor as to why our EF written examination statistics continue to be the highest in the State.

→  Community support: the Foundation and the Institute are strong supporters of our dental community through engagement and partnerships with the Sacramento District Dental Society, the SDDS Foundation and in early 2023 we will be introducing the first northern California Professional RDAEF Society; through these fabulous relationships we have enjoyed a tremendous amount of support from the dental community and our RDA and EF students greatly benefit from their support and mentorship.

The Foundation for Allied Dental Education (FADE) was founded in 2011 as a non-profit and continues to demonstrate the value of quality education and advanced licensure – your investment in your education will result in greater opportunities and provide much needed care to the dental community.  To view more information about the 2023 RDAEF program details, including fees, plan availability and review of the program crieria and application, view the program brochure by clicking here: ___ EF Program Brochure – ePub V2

Commonly Asked Questions:

What makes The FADE Institute’s RDAEF2 program special?

Our mission is to assist allied dental professionals meet their educational goals in an environment focused on education, not profit. Our focus is on theory, technique and consumer protection in all our classes. Our team of committed teachers and clinical professionals bring decades of experience in clinical practice to the learning environment with an emphasis on one-to-one instruction and integration of contemporary products and materials in a safe, enriching, supportive environment.

Our institutional commitment to ensure a safe and healthy educational environment.

To ensure our commitment, we limit enrollment to 10 students in any certification class, course for permitting and all program for licensure. We have incorporated a hybrid learning model with rolling enrollment and self-pacing theoretical learning management protocols that have made learning more adaptive to the learners personal needs. For more information about the FADE Institute Health and Sanitation Policy, please send us a comment and we will provide you with a copy.

What is included in the total fees for the EF program?

Our current tuition rate is $22,500 and includes tuition and basic supplies and materials during labs and for homework assignments; additional ancillary fees include a student materials/instrumentation kit fee of $2,900, a typodont kit fee of $980, Dental Board examination application fees (effective 1/1/2022 $120), LiveScan fingerprinting fees (varies from location to location), and magnification loupe fee (varies depending on vendor). Students will not be required to purchase or provide their own instrumentation or materials for the program. New in 2023, our Institute uses UCLA Dental School to assemble the over 41 items each student kit contains and ships directly to each student. Our typodont kits are also directly serviced by Kilgore International and our students will order directly through their dental school portal. We review all kits prior to issuance to ensure the equipment, items and devices in the kits meet our high standards. If you are an RDA and have not yet completed Pit & Fissure Sealant certification, your participation in the next available course at the Institute will be arranged at no charge to you. Our current fee structure handout is available here: Handout: 2023 EF Program Fees (download PDF)

I am carefully looking at other programs in Northern California.  With EFs being utilized more and more, and more programs being approved each year, how can I be assured I am making a good choice?

There is no question that any prospective student should do their due-diligence when selecting a college, university or institute of higher learning when tuition and professional development fees are continuing to climb each year.  Credible, proven institutions and private providers will be able to demonstrate statistical data regarding their own State board examination pass rates.  If not, then buyer beware.  The Dental Board publishes statistical data for all its licensing and permit examinations on a monthly basis – we encourage all prospective students to do the research, evaluate a providers outcomes for more than just a few months but for as long as the published statistics are available and make the best decision possible for your future.

Ask for the data; we encourage a site-visit to each location, make certain each facility offers a fully comprehensive learning environment, and most importantly make sure you are able to meet with the faculty and staff and have all your questions and concerns answered before making your decision.

Report: EF Written Exam Statistics 12.31.22 pdf – (download PDF)

Do I have to use loupes made by our preferred provider or can I shop around for other providers?

You can certainly shop around – we are not requiring a specific brand at this point, however, we have looked into other vendors and have found Designs for Vision to be the better choice for both pricing and flexible payment plans for students.  The minimum range for magnification is 3.5 with light and composite shielding protection. We encourage all those who have applied, enrolled and have been onboarded into the program, prior to or on orientation date, to connect with a loupe representative of choice and meet in your office for measurements, sizing and receiving a quote.

Must I have a sponsoring dentist in order to apply and enter into the FADE EF program?

While we believe it is very important for employer involvement and participation during your education, it is not required.

Will my Dentist need to attend any of the sessions of the program?

One of the most important aspects of our program is to ensure that the new EF, as well as their current employer, fully understand what is about to occur in the dental office – EF utilization changes the way the game is played each day and our program wants to make sure that utilization, scheduling and oversight is an aspect of the curriculum that every employer of an EF student must participate in. We encourage each newly enrolled student to bring their employer dentist to the first day of Orientation, to tour our facility, engage in discussions with our supervising dentists, and learn more about how our program functions.  

Can I take any of the course work online instead of attending classes?

No. The Dental Board’s educational regulations require that instruction be obtained and provided under the direct supervision of the faculty in the learning facility; however, online assignments and other research projects can be completed using minimal online tools. While others do most if not all of their didactic instruction online, we do not subscribe to delivering dental sciences in any other modality but live lecture. Students will be issued a textbook kit for all materials covered in the program and a program handbook to use as a study guide for the State Board written examination. 

What is the schedule of classes for the program? (Updated Information for 2023)

Traditionally, an EF program will run its classes on the weekends, as the program is intended to be a post-licensure program meant for working RDAs and RDAEF1s – since COVID, we have amended our classes to address the health and safety needs of the students and the faculty as well as focus attention on the cleaning and sanitizing of the facility each week.

Today, scheduled classed include two Saturdays per month and an additional Sunday added to every third Saturday.  The Sunday sessions end by 1:00 pm to allow travelers adequate time to arrive at home at a reasonable hour before having to return to work on Monday.  Sundays will be reserved for written exams, clinical lab days with student partners, and mock board exams (bench and written). Homework assignments, supervised home lab assignments and home-study projects have been enhanced to complete between sessions. Beginning in January 2023, all EF cohorts will arrive by 8:45 am, begin instruction at 9:00 am; Saturday classes will conclude no later than 4:00 pm and Sunday classes no later than 1:00 pm. Be advised – the program schedule is subject to change depending on holidays, office closures for breaks, and impending weather issues. 

There may be dates that I have to miss class. Are there any penalties for missing classes in the program?

Students will be required to notify the Institute staff, in advance, of the need to miss any class time. Given this program is very intensive and a great deal of time and work must be completed between sessions, it must be emphasized that two (2) missed days (unexcused/without advanced notice) will place the student in jeopardy, and three (3) missed days (unexcused) will suspend the student until administration considers a provisions for re-enrollment in a future cohort. Early departure, tutoring sessions and make-up days for hours missed from a class day is only considered on a case-by-case basis.

What are the entry requirements for the program?

You must be able to prove the following at the time of application:

♦  Hold a current RDA or RDAEF1 (or be able to show evidence of having met the requirements for licensure as an RDA)

♦  Possess a current BLS card

♦  Completion of a Board-approved pit & fissure sealant certification (course will be provided for those not already certified in sealants)

♦  Completion of a program application and submission of a $3,500 non-refundable deposit

♦  Successfully complete a written entrance examination to demonstrate basic dental terminology at the time of admission interview

As a higher learning institute that is not funded by tax dollars, we do not currently participate in federal loan programs – instead, our program fees are lower than standard and our Foundation provides interest-free payment plans to all those accepted into the EF program.

Are payment plans available?

Yes. We offer two different no-interest payment plans for students to choose from. We will do everything possible to work with you and your financial needs with discounts for those who pre-pay their tuition at the time of enrollment.

For more information about our RDAEF2 program and our next cohort scheduled start date, please contact our office at (916) 358-3825 at any time.